Want to grow faster?
We help you discover how to use the right Marketing and Sales Strategies and the right Digital Ecosystem for your Business.
Benefit from Symantra's free advice, with a Digital Audit.
Ideal for CEOs, Marketing Directors or Sales Leads of any company based in Europe.
We will provide specific insights on how you can improve your Marketing, Sales and Revenue Operations efforts.
We can also help you maximize your CRM investment to use the suite at its best.
Request Your Free Audit now!

When to change
OR implement a new CRM?
You might have:
siloed tools,
processes leading to uncleaned data,
no or poor integrations.
You might pay too much for:
substandard CRM and software
useless tools
That's why an audit of your CRM and global Tech Stack are essential.
This will help:
save time for staff,
save money on apps,
re-align Sales and Marketing for Growth.
In this audit, we will analyze your Digital Ecosystem related to business-critical activities and give you an objective overview on how to optimize it.
Here are a few questions we are going to deep dive in:
How does your company automate marketing and sales processes?
Which digital tools do you use for data management, marketing and sales activities?
What is the quality of your integrations and automation you have in place?
How do your tools and processes hamper your business goals related to sales, marketing, and CX?
How do you manage customer services and operations?
How do you ensure cybersecurity and GDPR compliance?
How do you track the performances of your website, campaigns, and marketing?
Do you have a 360° dashboard on your sales and marketing metrics?
What are the UX frictions in your website that limit your growth?
Get your QuickWins
Identify the gaps between where you are now vs. where you want to be with a better CRM + smart integrations
Understand what you are doing well and not well
Get an overview of your website performances
Get insights on your current workflows and barriers hampering your business growth.
Highlight features or approaches that you might have missed for growth boost
Get a roadmap for your quick wins
Book your Free CRM & Growth Audit
with Symantra.
We build modern
Growth Engine
+ Productivity Gains
with the Power
of Hyper-automation.
All around a smart CRM.
Hyper-automation with Symantra
allows our clients to lower
operational costs by 30%.
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